I would like to kindly request the addition of Bottom Toolbar, Floating Toolbar, and Side Toolbar templates, designed in a simple style similar to TikTok. Reasons: – Enhanced User Experience: These toolbars improve navigation, especially on mobile devices, where thumb-friendly interactions are essential. – Increased Conversion Rates: Floating Toolbars allow users to quickly access important […]
Many of my clients use Before and After sections, and all the plugins i\’ve tried are too bloated or only do this without much success. Would be nice to see Greenshift\’s ecosystem and ease of use with a block like that.
A Checkout Form Builder for WooCommerce would be a powerful and game-changing feature, allowing merchants to fully customize their checkout process using the Gutenberg editor, enabling users to add, remove, and rearrange fields effortlessly to match their business needs.
Thanks for creating filter block which was one of the much requested feature on our greenshift Facebook community group. To further improve this feature, I would like to request you to add sceleton loader for the loading elements/blocks in the page. It will be perfect.
Simple new block that outputs reading time for a post. Could calculate the estimated reading time based on numbers of words in the content for post/page. Really nice feature for the visitors in blog posts / news / articles. Example: https://www.kadencewp.com/product/kadence-reading-time/
I propose a site key generator for client websites so that the main activation key does not need to be used for multiple websites or even when selling a template. Divi has this feature and is a great way to protect the original license key and keep track of all the websites that use Greenshift […]
Please, add Selector for Thousands and Decimals like in WooCommerce to Dynamic functionality: And / Or another option \”Inherit format from WooCommerce\”.
Hi, FAQ Schema (despite being in a SEO Pack feature) only works on a single Accordion Item, a single FAQ per page. Multiple Accordions with multiple FAQ schema) will trigger warnings in Google Rich Results Tests. I\’d like to see multiple accordions/FAQs be added as properly formatted FAQs rather than custom code or adding another […]
Hi, I know, that you already have 13 Post Grid and 2 Single Post Templates. But for a nice clean looking Blog Website, I would liek to request some more Templates like in the following examples: Articles Patterns Patterns https://postxkit.wpxpo.com/fashion-insider/ https://postxkit.wpxpo.com/personal-portfolio/blog-page/ https://startertemplatecloud.com/g43/blog/
A Map Listing block is needed to create a list of company branches, contact pages, and location lists. Block Maps is currently not functional. What do you think about this?
Overrides, also known as partially synched patterns, also known as components, allow you to edit the content of specific blocks in a synched pattern, while keeping everything else in sync. This feature should have been in WP 6.5, but has been pushed to version 6.6. However, it IS already available in the Gutenberg plugin, but […]
It would be very useful if all date options (but mostly the Meta Getter block, eg. Post publish date, etc) could be individually and freely formatted based on WP standards: https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/customize-date-and-time-format/ This would require a free-word field where you could enter this or something similar: l, F j, Y (or you could even choose from […]
The Query loop loadmore function could be improved in a few places. I would think about these: 1, Allow to position the button (left, middle, right, full width) 2, Allow to set how many new items the button loads (independent of the number of items displayed by default) 3, Do not display the button if […]
i think at the moment we can only select one post type for queries. it will be great select multiple post types. for example creating a query with pages, posts, products with a custom taxonomy term \”featured\”
I would like to add a radar chart. It\’s great for product/character comparisons…. Image: https://sixsigmadsi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/radar-charts.png
The element block(s) and the class system have uniform style panels, which is very good and good to use. However, it would be very useful to have full cross-interoperability between them, i.e. to be able to copy style settings from any panel to any other panel (globally or even individually). Example use cases that I […]
I am only using the Greenlight Element blocks. I am trying to create some sections but came across this issue with inner container. I added the content block it has one inner div container site width 1200. But when I want to added one more inner container I don\’t see that element exist in the […]
Hi, query loop and repeater field builders are amazing. It would be great if there were premade templates for query loop builders and repeater field builders. While there are premade grids, it\’s difficult to convert them into list or card templates to add affiliate products or external stores. I hope more premade templates will be […]
hello, do you think you can feature a ui solution for scrub and snap? or how do i more easily insert this thing like your smooth scroll + css ? – my first website type of hint. good business. as long as wordpress goes at least. -got this from gsap server on scroll trigger. ——————————————————— […]
It would be a very useful enhancement, both for convenience and speed, if adding variables in the editor did not require hitting a very small triangle of a few pixels at the bottom of the input field, but instead, right-clicking would display the same panel that now appears when clicking on the small triangle. And […]
Image, Container … etc blocks have Size settings to lock aspect ratio. Currently max number is 24. Please, add 25. https://file.io/oxNm04jchP1z Stumbled upon case where I needed 25/14.