Add the missing “Custom Icon” options to “Text Advanced”, “LI list element” and “Element” blocks
August 28, 2024
The Icon options are very important to add in the \”Text Advanced\” block because currently if we need something simple like \”Text + Icon\” or \”Icon + Text\” we are forced to use put inside a \”Container\” an \”Icon Box\” block + \”Text Advanced\” block. This means that currently we have to use 3 different blocks for this basic thing and this add too much BLOAT to the HTML in the front-end. For this use case, the other current option is to use the \”Icon List\” block, but this is BAD because it adds unnecesary HTML elements for this use case and also do Not have the (P) paragraph tag.
Sometimes we need a UL-LI, where the LI elements are Icons without any text. For this use case we need the \”Icon Options\” added to the \”LI list element\”. The Greenshift Support Team suggest me the option of placing \”Icon Box\” blocks inside a \”UL list element\” but this is atrocious and extremelly bad from a semantic HTML perspective and accessibility perspectives causing confusion to the screen readers and also to google.
For this second use case the \”Icon List\” block is BAD and Not recommended because it do not have an option to Hide the Text.
Please Igor, we need this for better accessibility, correct HTML semantic, flexibility and easy of use in several use cases.
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One response to “Add the missing “Custom Icon” options to “Text Advanced”, “LI list element” and “Element” blocks”
Thanks Igor. With the recently added “SVG Tag” variation for Element block, all the needs described in my Feature Request are now covered. Now I can create everything I need. So I think this Feature Request can go from “New” to “Live”.
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