Copy/Paste from any style panel to any other

December 10, 2024

The element block(s) and the class system have uniform style panels, which is very good and good to use.
However, it would be very useful to have full cross-interoperability between them, i.e. to be able to copy style settings from any panel to any other panel (globally or even individually).

Example use cases that I have come across several times:
1, at first I think that there will be very few styles on the element, so I start formatting as local style, but later I realize that it would be more useful to do it with a class, so that with a few clicks I could copy the formatting from the local style to a class. Currently, you have to re-set everything one by one.
2, I have two elements with little difference in formatting. The first element is set with local style, and I would like to set the second element with local style as well, but I would change one or two values for the second element. At the moment I have to set everything again from the beginning for the second one, instead of simply copying everything from the first one and then changing the desired parts for the second one

And I think there are many more useful possibilities, these were just a few examples…

One response to “Copy/Paste from any style panel to any other”

  1. GreenshiftWP Avatar

    Copy-style feature already supports copying from local styles to Classes.

    You need to click on brush icon in block. Then, brush icon in class


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