“Menu / Navigation” builder block

in progress
May 30, 2024

I know this is in plans, but I think it is interesting to measure here the user interest in this essential feature

One response to ““Menu / Navigation” builder block”

  1. Steve MORRIS Avatar
    Steve MORRIS

    I’ve watched the “making a mega menu” youtube video numerous times and my brain goes mushy, but then trying to make the limited Guten navigation block look even barely presentable has me grinding my teeth in frustration. So an enhanced, responsive, menu builder that is more customisable than the core block , but is easier to access for non-experienced web designer folk would be a huge (humongous even) positive, …meaning I don’t have to buy a 3rd party menu plugin (currently looking at GutenKit solely for the menu function)….the buying bit isn’t the issue, i would just prefer to keep plugins to a bare minimum for the sake of maintenance, and performance, (and my sanity).

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